Resilience and the Business World A case for it...
How does Emotional Resilience (ER) relate to a manger’s performance, to staff motivation, and to staff retention? Is there some evidence...

EAP Dollars and Sense
People often ask what the benefit or return on investment is for providing an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to their staff. Various...

ETIQUETTE TIP: Sexual Harassment
Do not label a colleague's easy-going, affectionate bantering in the office as harassment. Keep in mind is someone's humour intended to...

It takes more then high salaries and carparks to keep good staff
With an increasing level of competition, in a growing world economy becoming ever-present, the pressure on staff (particularly management...

It is okay to open the door for another colleague, hold their coat; light a cigarette; help carry heavy packages; walk curb side; open...

ETIQUETTE TIP: A Good Team Player Does Not Use Sexist Language
Be non-gender specific with your language - use terms like that person, our administrator, etc. The term "guys" has become unisexual,...

Managing the bottom of the line: Generation X - the new workforce
With the majority of baby boomers close to retirement, young Australians, known as Generation X, must now play even a more significant...

ETIQUETTE TIP: Polite Use of Electronic Communicators
Its a given that you only call someone at home if it is urgent and at a reasonable time. Don't send faxes to a home when you know it will...

ETIQUETTE TIP: Electronic Manners - Cellular Phones, Laptop Computers, Beepers, Faxes, Speakerphones
Never intrude on others privacy by using your cellular telephone in a restaurant, during concerts, at the movies, in the theatre, at the...

The Changing Face of the Workplace
Never before has the question posed by the leading US business magazine Fortune have a more apt time: “What’s the difference between a...